Teshia Went to A F R I C A
Learn about her wild adventures & her All-New Africa Series, inspired by her exciting journey!
Teshia: An Art Journey to Africa - Official Documentary Video
TeshiaArt for Mentors International Video
Click Play to Watch: Teshia is proud to support Mentors International, an amazing organization that is working to end poverty through self-reliance! Learn how you can help at: https://mentorsinternational.org/
The Africa Series
Park City TV Interviews Teshia at Africa Show Debut
Teshia is proud to release her special African Wildlife Series, inspired by her travels, the animals she saw & photographed, and the amazing experiences she had while in Africa!
10% of Teshia’s Africa Series directly benefits the Art Elevated Giving Fund, something that is very near & dear to Teshia’s heart. Learn more about Art Elevated, & its amazing mission, below.
If you are interested in Commissioning Teshia to create an Original African Wildlife Painting of your own, please visit Teshia’s Commissions Page
Art Elevated Giving Fund
10% of Teshia’s Africa Series directly benefits the Art Elevated Giving Fund. This special fund was established after the Africa group visited Kensington Primary School in Kenya, where Teshia taught a painting class to kindergartners. During this unforgettable visit, Teshia & the Africa crew witnessed firsthand the lack of art supplies, amongst many other tools & learning items, that the children had access to. They had so very little, it was shocking. Nevertheless, those sweet kids welcomed Teshia & the group with huge smiles, open hearts, an eager willingness to learn, & a heartwarming enthusiasm to paint with Teshia!
Colby & Sarah, owners of Park City Fine Art & part of the Africa crew, immediately heard their calling. Having the huge hearts that they do, they immediately established the Art Elevated Giving Fund among returning home to the United States! Teshia is so happy & proud to give back to this amazing organization through her African Wildlife paintings. Through her art, she aspires to help make the world a more colorful place. Hopefully going forward, many artistic & creative African children will have greater opportunity to do so as well.
Live Life Colorfully!

The Art Elevated Giving Fund’s Mission
Providing creative outlets to impoverished schools and children; through art curriculums, mentoring supplies and projects. We believe that creating art supports mental, emotional, and physical development. Art in schools has shown to raise self-esteem, create purpose and value in children as well as develops the mind in problem solving, math, literacy and social skills. Through Art Elevated children can express experiences that cannot always be verbalized. Our mission is to raise generations who are empowered and feel valued in all of these areas. To elevate them to a next level of learning and thinking that helps them climb above their circumstances no matter what they may be.
The Africa Trip
TeshiaArt Africa Toto/Remix Video

Click Play to Watch this fun & lighthearted “TeshiaArt Africa Toto/Remix Video”, created by Colby Larsen of the TeshiaArt Africa Crew! When in Africa….
Trip Itinerary

The Itinerary
Start: Arusha, Tanzania
End: Nairobi, Kenya
Trip Photos
The Crew!
Colby: Park City Fine Art Gallery Owner Extraordinaire & ‘Kobi Bustard’ Doppelgänger
Sarah: Art Elevated Giving Fund President & secret candy-giver (African people’s choice award)
Dan: Teshia’s amazing husband & behind-the-scenes partner in all-things TeshiaArt
Teshia: Artist, wildlife lover, Owner of TeshiaArt, & freaked-out ‘glamper’
Tayler: Photographer, wildlife whisperer & amazing content creator
Nate: Talented Videographer & master creator of ‘Teshia: An Art Journey to Africa’ documentary
Teshia's Africa Trip Mission Statement
Special Thanks to everyone in this awesome group & to Kensington Tours! The Africa Trip wouldn’t have been possible without so many amazing & talented people.